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Energy Medicine and Past Life Regression offers an alternative to traditional medicine, and aims to target and address the root cause of ailment and imbalance. Energy treatments do not mask the symptoms, rather they encourage the body to release illness, imbalance and emotional manifestations so that the symptoms are no longer present. Picking the right service or services for you can seem taxing at first, but through an initial consult Genevieve will be able to guide you in the right direction.

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What is Energy Medicine?


The field of quantum physics has shown that matter in its most basic form is energy. Therefore, the body is of an electromagnetic nature, composed of energy, and affected by the energy fields that surround us. Energy healing treats the mind, body and spirit as interconnected, and thus a change in one level causes a change in the other two levels. Based on the concept that there is an energy system in the body that can be tapped into in order to assist all aspects of health, energy healing helps remove any blockages that prevent the body from fully functioning and thus accesses the body’s natural healing ability.

What is B.O.S.?

Biocomputer Operating System is a non-invasive and innovative energy harmonizing technique that works with the body’s natural potential to heal itself. B.O.S. aids to identify, assess and resolve health concerns by connecting with the specific needs of each patient.

B.O.S‘ aim is to balance all components of the body’s energetic system, including emotional, physical, spiritual and structural. It is believed that balancing the body as a whole is crucial to achieving optimum health. Gentle and effective, the holistic treatments open and release energy obstructions layer by layer to allow healing to take place. (L. Steel)

B.O.S. is based upon three theories:

  1. Our bodies possess a natural resistance to illness and disease and has the ability to heal itself.
  2. This inborn system of healing is not able to do its work in the normal manner, when an energy blockage is present.
  3. B.O.S. works to clear these ‘energy’ blockages and thus works with the body to achieve optimal wellness.

How can Energy Medicine help me?

  • Improvement in your positive mental state
  • Improving memory and concentration
  • Balancing the symptoms of allergies and sensitivities
  • Balancing signs of depression
  • Eliminating emotional trauma/distress
  • Increasing energy
  • Reducing stress
  • Learning disabilities
  • Concussions and accident related concerns
  • Joint and Back problems
  • Skin issues
  • Organ function and detoxification
  • Circulatory issues
  • Eliminating cold, flu, bacteria and parasitic infections
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Removing the causes of headaches and migraines
  • Joint and Back problems
  • Balancing and eliminating pain caused by arthritis and inflammation in the body
  • Heavy metal removal and detoxification
  • Medication side effects
  • Reducing and clearing anxiety and fear
  • Eliminating deeply rooted emotional patterns
  • Balancing gastrointestinal distress and constipation
  • Removing Candida, Yeast, Fungus and Mold
  • Balancing Sugar metabolism
  • Balancing and addressing hormonal imbalances, fertility concerns or blockages

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Past Life Regression

past-life-therapyPast Life Regression is a technique used to facilitate clients to uncover their own experiences that they have had in the past. Commonly these experiences date back past ones current life. It aids clients in remembering their past experiences so that they can use the knowledge and make changes in their current life. Doing a Past Life Regression is like taking a sacred Journey with your soul.


Philosophy behind Past life Regression (as per Regression Works™)

  • Incarnation Theory-the belief that one is re incarnated to better themselves
  • The belief that one is tapping into universal consciousness- tapping into bigger archetypes of suffering, pain, leadership, conquering
  • The belief that one is tapping into another person’s lifetime- being gifted knowledge by another
  • Connecting memories from a past life and taking on their personification
  • Ancestral memories-picking up on someone’s memories from your gene pool
  • Parallel lives
  • Creative imagery/imagination
  • Intuitive emotional resonance-resonating with certain time periods, cultures. country, languages

How can a Regression Session help you?

  • Incarnation Theory-the belief that one is re incarnated to better themselves
  • The belief that one is tapping into universal consciousness- tapping into bigger archetypes of suffering, pain, leadership, conquering
  • The belief that one is tapping into another person’s lifetime- being gifted knowledge by another
  • Connecting memories from a past life and taking on their personification
  • Ancestral memories-picking up on someone’s memories from your gene pool
  • Parallel lives
  • Creative imagery/imagination
  • Intuitive emotional resonance-resonating with certain time periods, cultures. country, languages
  • Exploring positive and challenging relationships
  • Discovering attractions to cultures, history, languages and people
  • Noticing repeating life patterns
  • Exploring the root of fears and phobias
  • Discovering the root of physical symptoms and chronic issues
  • Exploring different talents, creativity and skills
  • Exploring the root of vivid dreams, recurring dream and night terrors
  • Discovering your life purpose
  • Exploring your past life for curiosity
  • Assistance in making life choices or finding blocks hindering choice

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