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Angelic Guidance For The Month Ahead

It has been an interesting time of change since the new moon arrived just a few weeks ago. This new moon is creating an energetic ripple effect, a ripple that seems intent on gearing up for the next 18 months.  August, in particular, will be intense in the best of...

The cradle of grounding – The home

I want my home to be filled with bright, high vibration loving energy and calm.  This is a common desire of most people, and why shouldn’t it be? After all, the home is our nest. Whether you’ve just moved in to a new residence or have been living in the same...

What is really important to you?

What are the most important things in my life? The answers are normally pretty easy for most. Family, friends, job, pets, are common. However, sometimes we forget what’s “truly” important when the speed of life’s events blindside us. And suddenly,...

Cherishing Others

Are we important? It’s a funny question. And often an easy answer. “Why Yes! I’m important!” Yet, depending on how you approach the question, it can be a deep question. Are we more important than anyone else? And if so, who? Does status or...

Learning to be at peace

As we find ourselves looking ahead in life to the next event or holiday, it is important we remember that being, comes before doing.  You cannot be present if looking to the future, nor can you look to the future to prepare yourself for events that have not come to...

Autumn Insight From The Archangels

Archangel Gabriel is reminding us this month to pay very close attention to everything in our lives that may impact our energetic vibration.  World news, toxic/negative individuals, unhealthy food choices, are just a few notables that can lower our energy....